Thursday, July 26, 2012

The dollar secret for sensational hair

photo by froggybaby76
photo by asrclub
What do Pizza, Salad, Eggs, Dumplings have in common? I'll give you a hint. It's a one syllable word that begins with 'O' and ends with 'L'. That's right, you got it. Oil. More specifically, olive oil, fat obtained from the olive. We know of its uses in cooking, but have you ever thought that there is a hair care aspect of this amazing sauce? Not only is olive oil a great part of your crunchy dumplings, but it can revitalize your hair like ocean waves. Let's find out how.

Olive oil works wonders on the hair, leaving it moisturized, shiny, and voluminous. Say goodbye to frizz and hello to the show bizz. SAY WHA?? Let's do this thing. Just a few steps to a new you.

1) All you need to do is heat up about half a cup of olive oil in the microwave. DO NOT OVERHEAT THE OIL.

photo by jarassecret
2) Feel free to add a dash of rosemary. Rosemary will help the hair shine. For the best effect, try crushing the rosemary with a stone as it will release more of the natural oils. Many other herbs can help with sensation and scent. Try out mint, garlic, and even Tabasco sauce for a more spicy look.

photo by ashmaster2208_2009
3) Once the fragrant mixture is made, apply to your hair, starting from the roots and slowly, gently work your way up. Caress your hair like the well deserved vacation. Feel it wrap tenderly around your fingers,
mixing with the oils, finding its health.

4) Leave it in your beautiful hair for at least 30 minutes. Watch a movie, call up a friend, cruise on facebook, leave a comment of how you feel.

5) Take a nice, long, well deserved shower and enjoy the silky, softness of your revitalized hair. Note the distant scent of rosemary and olives. Refreshing.

This same procedure can be used to tie up split-ends, lower dandruff, and soften your hair.
If it works for me, it'll work for you.


  1. Love it---I'm going to make my hair as nice as yours ;-)

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