Thursday, December 16, 2010

Final Reflection of Honors 202

My first day in Honors 202 was full of surprises and questions. Being introduced to blogging and digital culture at the same time, being invited to consume, create, and connect, and being challenged to find online sources that could be better than the professor's material were all new concepts to me. I mean, "self-directed learning"? What kind of class is this? However, my views on this class have drastically changed over the past semester. From this class, I not only learned about historical concepts, but also actively integrated these concepts in my daily life through digital culture. I am excited to share with you a few of my last thoughts about this class.


Sometimes, planning group meetings can be as complicated as the project itself. Members often have conflicting schedules, random emergencies, and secret agendas. However, through the use of googlecalendar, all these things can be remedied.

CONSUME- Academic Research
Many times, our first source of information is Google or Wikipedia. While these sources offer quick, brief, and convenient answers, deeper and more detailed information can be found elsewhere. Where else can we find information on the internet? Dr. Burton shares some valuable information sources on his blog "Ten ways out of the Google or Wikipedia rut". Also, I discovered another wonderful presentation on how to more effectively find information. Another source of information I want to share is the BYU Library!

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Start of Something New

I can't say it any better. The end of this semester and specifically, the end of Honors 202 is only the beginning of something new! Coming into this class, I did not have a blog, did not know how to create and manage websites, and did not truly understand the impact history had on my everyday life. I had fallen into a rut of memorizing and regurgitating materials, getting A's, but not really applying principles into my life. Honors 202 has changed that.
Attending this class has been a magnificent journey. Full of sharing ideas, making connections, networking, research, and hands-on-experience. I saw many class principles in daily life. Principles such as mormonism, capitalism, romanticism, and science all came alive.
The greatest thing about this experience is that I LEARNED how to apply digital tools and civilization concepts to my life. Here are some examples. These might apply to you :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Club using Web 2.0 principles

For the final project, my group and I are starting a microfinance club. Not only are we applying principles of humanity, mormonism, and economics, we are also integrating Web 2.0 principles into this club. For a more detailed description, you can go to our blog or website.

Web 2.0 principles have energized the world. How? Beneath is a list of Web 2.0 ideas that, if applied to clubs, will yield positive results.

Web 2.0
Living, changing, thriving
It is an all-accessible platform
Aids in the transfer of information
Facilitates usage and participation
Friendly interfaces encourage frequent visits
Information is light, brief, and simple
Easy to use
Extends physical friendships to online friendships
Ideas can flow from all angles
It is readily accessible
It is in our hands

As we adapt to a more social interface, encouraging feedback from members, and making it easy to communicate, there will be more participation.

Working with Jeffrey and Leanne has been very fun. We work very well together. Some specific things I have contributed to the group are
- Starting the website
- Drafting a project justification page
- Starting the facebook page
- Writing the club charter with Jeffrey
- Searching for and making note of other university clubs
- Recruiting a faculty advisor
- Researching the requirements for a club
- Writing blogs on the club blogpage.
- Helping with the Prezi presentation

There are still so many things to do, but we are excited to continue to make this thing work

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thank you, all who nominated me :)

First off, I'd like to thank all those that nominated me :)
I feel as if my hard work really has paid off and was glad it was recognized. I can assure you that more posts are on the way and we can all celebrate to a new and bright future!

Second, I came up with a catchy phrase. Feel free to use it. This is Phrase 2.0, anybody can use it, change it, fix it, contribute! Make the best thing ever! It is a "living" phrase. As I was debating whether or not to grab a quick subway sandwich or go home to eat, this inspired line popped into my brain:

"Five bucks here, Five bucks there, equals Five bucks Everywhere"

You save here and there, and you end up with more money than you started!

please enjoy.

Science 2.0

With the introduction of web blogging, tagging, social networking, and creating, known as Web 2.0, comes a whole new way of operating and thinking. The table on the right was compiled by Tim O'Reilly in his article, "What is web 2.0". As you can see, the web 2.0 adds life and true attendance to the web. It allows for individuals to add, create, connect, correct...You can even make your own website! This entire new face gives rise to an increase in websites and knowledge shared. Some may argue that as knowledge becomes increasingly edited by the masses, it may lose authority or fidelity. However, thousands of eyeballs are still more effective than an elite group of a few.
As web 2.0 took off and has added an increase of knowledge and obtainability, scientists are beginning to toy with the idea of Science 2.0.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


As the semester has progressed, I have been exposed to numerous well-written blogs, many of which are uplifting and inspiring. These blogs inspire my work to delve deeper into life and notice trends, themes, and make connections. I would like to nominate a few of the blogs that stood out to me.