Friday, December 10, 2010

The Start of Something New

I can't say it any better. The end of this semester and specifically, the end of Honors 202 is only the beginning of something new! Coming into this class, I did not have a blog, did not know how to create and manage websites, and did not truly understand the impact history had on my everyday life. I had fallen into a rut of memorizing and regurgitating materials, getting A's, but not really applying principles into my life. Honors 202 has changed that.
Attending this class has been a magnificent journey. Full of sharing ideas, making connections, networking, research, and hands-on-experience. I saw many class principles in daily life. Principles such as mormonism, capitalism, romanticism, and science all came alive.
The greatest thing about this experience is that I LEARNED how to apply digital tools and civilization concepts to my life. Here are some examples. These might apply to you :)

1) Skype- I have family and friends located all across the globe. Family members are located in Taiwan and California. Friends are all over. Friends I meet during medical school interviews attend schools at MIT, Duke, Cornell, USC...Interacting with these friends has been greatly enhanced by Skype, which allows for video chats, phone calls, text message, and screen sharing!

2) Club Website- I did not know I could create my own website until this class. My team and I used this powerful tool to create a BYU Microfinance website, composed of a brief description, goal, contact info, charter, and other tools. If you google this, it will show up! We refer people to this site for quick information! As I get involved in more service opportunities and organizations, this tool allows for an incredible method for creating and connecting.

3) Algorithms- Every day, I make algorithms to improve efficiency and effectiveness during the day. My algorithms are constantly improving and changing for the better. An algorithm is a simple problem solving method. If I get result A, then I will do X, but if I get result B, then I will do C. At work, school sports, your work will improve with better algorithms.

I am excited to continue using tools and principles in my life! Thank you Honors 202: Digital Civilization

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