Skype is a software application that allows users to call, video chat, message, and text to others all over the world. Here is the benefit. Calls to other skype users is free! This is a convenient method to stay in touch with people overseas, out of state, whoever you miss. Here are some basic instructions in getting started and using the basic functions of skype.
First, you will need a computer that has internet connection.
To register for skype, go to
Scroll down to find "download skype" and click it.
Create a skype account by typing your Full Name, your skype ID, and password into the provided boxes.
You will then be asked to input your email address and location.
You can then sign in to skype.
1) Click on the "plus" sign at the bottom left of the skype box.
2) This box should pull up. You can enter another skype contact, search by name, or add a phone number.
3) Once a contact is found, you can add it, and the name will appear in your address box.
1) Click on the name you want to call. If they are online, they will have a green check. If offline, there will be an 'X'
2) Click on the green phone to call, and it will ring them up :)
1) To call, click on the phone grid sign at the bottom left of the home screen.
2) type in the number in the given space, and click call or text, depending on what you want to do.
- Calling and texting phones costs money. It is still pretty cheap and very convenient.
3) Select the names or numbers of people who you would like to make the conference call.
4) Call
Skype is an awesome tool and a great way to stay connected. One of my best friends is away, studying in California. Keeping in touch with him is much easier with skype!
It is now officially fall! I don't know if I had enough time to say "so long" to the sweet summer...all the soft sand, olive shoulders, warm nights, time. ha. But, do what we do best and keep rollin' with the times. I guess school has given plenty of opportunities to keep busy :) especially being one month into school already. Midterm season!
The truth is, in this month, I have learned so many things! It definitely is worth all the blood, sweat, and mostly tears :) Here is a simple post about things I learned from my incredible civilization class.
There is a man in California, who probably doesn't know you, but he happily grows cows.
He then sends his cows to a butcher somewhere in Texas, who probably doesn't know you either.
The butcher then sends the meat to a processing plant somewhere in Florida. Those people may know you, or may not know you.
After the meat is packed and processed, it is sent to your local hamburger chain right where you are, to be grilled and slapped between buns, lettuce, tomatoes, for your delicious hamburger.
Just for your enjoyment!
But if you think about it, the hamburger processor, cow grower, or meat griller probably do not process meat, grow cows, or grill meat because they want to do it for you (I guess some care greatly about customer satisfaction...but). These wonderful people do it for money and for personal gain.
Adam Smith, an 18th century philosopher, observed that production was enhanced by assigning specific tasks to individual workers. The division of labor would maximize production by allowing workers to specialize in discrete areas of the production process. This would result in an expansion of markets and wealth. Furthermore, this work place would work best in the absence of government interference.
Adam Smith also realized that individuals acting in own self-interest would naturally seek out economic activities that would provide the greatest financial rewards! The meat processor will work hard, make sure the meat is safe, and show up early to work if he knew that there would be a raise soon, or he could be upgraded. If we all work for our own self-interest, this should maximize the economic well-being of the society!
However, what we must also remember is that we are human and have weaknesses. Working for our own self-interest leaves a lot of holes and room for selfish behavior. Is there a better way for this system to work?
This idea is different from the Law of Consecration, where the individuals work for a group gain. However, when places like China try to apply this methodology, it does not work as well.
As long as my family is fed, we have cars to drive, hamburgers to eat. I am happy.
What if I know that my neighbor isn't as lucky...can I still be happy?
In class, we had a great discussion about algorithms with Dr. Zappala. We discussed various methods and ways we could use an algorithm to find a name in a directory, or order numbers. Because we can use a variety of senses and memory to sort out a handful of numbers, we sometimes overlook how truly complex the problem can be when written into a computer. For example...
If I have the random numbers 7-4-6-3-9, I can look at it and automatically arrange them into ascending order: 3-4-6-7-9! The simpleness is due to a couple of reasons. As I look at these numbers overall, I automatically see that '3' is the smallest, followed by '4'. In my head, I can save these slots and write them down. My algorithm is probably the same as a computer, which is, "find the lowest number, find the second lowest number, and so forth." Because I remember the numbers, I can move faster.
However, how do we write an algorithm this for a computer, which must scan the numbers as lists over and over. There are tricky methods where we can categorize the numbers, group the numbers, or just scan small segments at a time, but we have to figure out how to tell the computer to do that. My point is, it is not so efficient for the computer to scan "7-4-6-3-9" find 3, put it down in a list, then scan again "7-4-6-9" find that 4 is the smallest, put that after 3, then so forth.
So, just to get a sense of how complicated it is to write a good algorithm for a computer. Now, see how much it can help!
Our bodies are composed of cells, the functional basic unit of life.
Within every cell are biological macromolecules called proteins! Proteins are "chief actors" within the cells, functional basic unit of the cell, if you will.
There are millions of different types of protein, and all of them have specific functions, like
- to recognize disease and viruses in your body
- to move your muscles
- to digest your food
- to transport oxygen to your body
- to keep you alive!
These proteins are what makes cells function the way they do!
So even smaller than the protein are the "blocks" that build the protein. These are amino acids. There are 20 of them, and each one behaves differently. Some amino acids are afraid of water. Some love it. Some are acidic. Some are basic. And depending on how they interact with each other within the protein will determine what the protein's structure is.
This is important because STRUCTURE helps us understand FUNCTION. Like a bike jump. Just look at that thing and you know what it's for...or like a door handle? a chair? We know what it is for because of structure.
Sorry, this is like a science class, but just to paint you a picture of complicated algorithms. Now, we have super computers that can take the amino acid sequence of a protein and predict the STRUCTURE, which will help us better understand FUNCTION, and LIFE!
So, if your protein has 150 amino acids, and can have 3 conformations each, 3^150= 3.7e71!!!!
Now, if you have a super computer that can test 1 conformation per picosecond, that would take 1.2e52 YEARS in order to test the correct conformations, in order to see which one makes most sense.
Sunday, James told me a heart-wrenching, yet embarrassingly funny story about a date he had on saturday!
Saturday, LJ introduced me to an Indian Legend brought to life through dancing, acting, and FIRE!
Friday, Jared brought a bunch of people to a bike jump right in our back yard!
Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Monday, full of awesome lectures of whole worlds and systems I have never even heard of! Meeting incredible people! Blogging!
What it all comes down to, is where is the end of discovery?
To juice up our brains, to discover all the secret magical meadows in Provo, to go to sleep everyday content with life, here are just some thoughts from the reading and scientists!
1) Wonder about things!
- ever wonder about how Aspirin works?
- ever wonder about why pollution is so bad for the environment?
- ever wonder why some nations make incredible technological progress while others struggle?
2) Formulate a question, and ask it!
- how many different ways can I create to reach my goal?
- what is the temperature of a candle flame?
- how can i become a better person?
3) Make predictions, hypothesize, start thinking!
- if I buy my girlfriend flowers, she will probably give me a nice big hug and a delicious kiss :)
- if tea leaves stains on cups, it is probably bad for my body...something
5) Compare things! How are they alike! How are they different?
6) Use words to explain things! Why things happen? What is going on?
I dunno, Life is too rich to pass by. Let every moment be full of discovery...we have been given so much! Just like my good friend Jeffrey Whitlock said, we have so much to be grateful for. Where much is given, much is required!
Lets add to what all the scientists and humanists laid before us!
Remember, the dwarf that stands on the giant's shoulders can see farther than the giant can.
Hey all ya'lls!
What are the chances? I am the luckiest guy on this whole Earth! My lab partner, Katherine Chipman, taught me all about using Diigo! And guess what? now we are all using it!
Diigo is a fantastic researching tool! You can bookmark, highlight, sticky-note, almost anything you want to do to keep track of your research, you can do on Diigo! Please check into it! It really saves a lot of time!
So what is up with our green green grass? Do you know how much water it takes to water the grass? While we water so much grass that we aren't even supposed to walk on, people in Africa and China have to walk miles for water that is scarce. Is our grass worth lives of millions of people?
We are encouraged to ride bikes to campus! Save the Earth from car exhaust and parking spaces! However, when I ride my bike and try to park it in front of the Benson Building, there is no spots! One day, my co-worker saw the police man clipping locks and loading bikes that were improperly chained. The amount of money to buy another lock and bike for me, a college student, is 6 months worth of plasma donation!!! There must be a better way. We could put more bike racks out there, in all the empty space. Take the grass area! Let the people who need water use the grass water! Simple actions can save so much time and money! Let's make a stand!
Is the global climate change man made? Where is the proof? What sort of data do we have? What are we going to do about it? I drive less now, for sure! I even bought a Prius! 50 miles to the gallon! Let's all walk more, drive less. Carpool more, solo less. Cruise more, speed less. As we make small changes in our lives, we can make a large change together!
Does boredom lead to trouble? Stay busy please! How could we have idle time? Have an adventure, try someplace new to eat, hike a mountain, make new friends, find a sport, find a single sport, learn how to play chess, read a book, start a blog...
Is competition good? I think it is! I think a big driving force in my work is competition. I know that there are many qualified individuals out there, who, like me, want the job, want to score a goal, want to come out on top. This motivates me to work harder, run faster, stay later. Maybe it is a pride issue, but, if you get it...
Do the ends justify the means? If I play tennis with a super weird and ugly stroke, but win all my games, is that good? What if I have to step on other people to become the CEO? What if I have to beat out other companies to win the customer?
Is it good to have an open government, where citizens have a huge say and influence, or is a closed government more secure? In a closed government, the people will have more faith in the government, will not doubt because of the flaws. On the other hand, maybe more eyeballs will help make the government more invincible and fair, better capable of catering to the citizens' needs.
Should the government be able to control internet content? What happens if we post things and read things that are sketchy, like conspiracy theories. What if we believe them?
Should girls ask guys out? I think that girls can make themselves available, you know, drop hints if they are interested. It's kinda fun! Do it more!
So, these are some questions that don't really need to be answered. The important thing is to have an opinion, and be your own person! Live your own life! That way, your life will be more rich and full!!! Constantly exciting, meaningful.
"There is no other way of guarding oneself against flattery than by letting men understand that they will not offend you by speaking the truth; but when everyone can tell you the truth, you lose their respect."
-Niccolo Machiavelli
Michiavelli was a great contributer to political theory, history, and principles of welfare and diplomacy. We are all so grateful for his work!
In the quote above, Machiavelli states that it is hard to have respect when people tell you the truth. I can see where this is true. It is hard to correct or give suggestions to a person or authority or a person in a respected position. It is much easier to give correction or suggestions to peers and friends. This all depends on how respect is defined. If I feel great admiration for someone, I am less likely to want to offend them. I believe that they are correct in their methodology.
However, gaining respect from others requires a bit more than a simple song, dance, magic. It is much deeper and fulfilling than that. When I think about those I respect, I think about those who are honest. They are honest with themselves, and they are honest with others, their clients, employees, students, family, friends. They are willing to address issues, even when the issue is about themselves. They are constantly looking to improve, and who better to receive suggestions from than fellow employees, people you serve, and supervisors.
Just take a look at BYU! At the end of every semester, the students are given an opportunity to evaluate the professors who instructed the class. These evaluations remain anonymous, so the students can freely and truthfully express their feelings. This says a lot about the professors, who are willing to consider these suggestions, hear the truth, and change.
It is always very humbling for me when corrected. However, I grow the most when I hear the truth. I guess it depends on what one thinks is more important. To be distant and respected, or to be close and ready to hear honest suggestions. I think that I respect those who are looking for improvement.
Here is just a brief timeline of Martin Luther's life! Piecing together his life after knowing the facts is incredibly interesting. I wonder if, when we look back at our lives, all the pieces and events will fit in, and we will understand the purpose!
1) Create an account at and click the green, "Get Started Now" button!
a) Enter your name, username, password, and email address!
2) You are good to go! Decide what you want to say!
a) Usually, theses messages, also known as "tweets"
b) common "tweets" are, but not limited to the following:
-answer the question, "what are you doing now?"
-post a link
-state an opinion
-pose a question
c) messages are limited to 140 characters, and are kept simple
3) On the home page, put your cursor in the box, and type your message. click on "update"
a) if the message is for a specific user, type "@" then user name before your message.
4) To find people, click on "Find People" on upper right hand corner. Then click on "Find on Twitter"
a) you can follow individuals, service groups, organizations, companies, non-profit organizations,
and anything you can find.
b) note: people may be listed under screen names, and not under real names.
5) Click on "Follow" to follow. You will receive updates automatically!
6) You can import contacts onto your email, and invite people to twitter.
7) Help people find you by clicking on "Settings" in the upper right corner!
a) fill out your location, bio, blog address...
b) if you want to restrict people who have access to your twitter, click on "protect my updates".
This way, only people who follow you can see your updates.
8) Stay connected on your cellphone by clicking "devices" and entering your phone number. This way, you can receive twitter updates through text message.
9) Under the design tab, you can change your photo and your background! Upload pictures!
10) To find "tweets" of interest, click "Search" at the bottom of your twitter page. You can type in a name or topic! On the right, there are "trending topics" which are popular tweets!
11) For twitter downloads so you can update twitter on your phone or ipod, download the app at
So, what are you waiting for! Microblog!
Screen shots are thanks to Sarah and her intro on how to take screen shots! Thanks Sarah!
What are some pros and cons between calling on the phone and text messaging? Talking to someone on the phone is definitely easier when it comes to telling a story or catching up on the latest gossip. However, talking on the phone takes a lot of time!!! Seriously, I mean, you have to let the phone ring and ring, and if the person doesn't pick up, listen to the annoying message system, then leave a message. AND, it takes time for them to listen to the message! It's all about time!When you text someone, on the other hand, it is quick and simple. You know they will receive the message, even when sitting in a lecture. True, story telling is hard to text, but quick messages like, "call me when you get the chance", "soccer tonight at 7", "she said YES!!!" can be sent and received within seconds.
As the world evolves and time becomes more precious, we learn a language that is more quick and precise!
This pattern is found even on the internet, with e-mail and microblogging. Email takes time, microblogging, just seconds!
Microblogging is a practice of briefly and concisely expressing thoughts! Usually made up of sentence fragments, short videos or images, microblogging is a fast and easy way of staying connected. Twitter and Facebook are excellent places for microblogging.
It's easy, increases productivity, you can be aware of activities, projects, events within seconds.
Here is what people usually "Tweet" or microblog about:
Pear Analytics analyzed 2,000 tweets (originating from the US and in English) over a 2-week period in August 2009 from 11:00a to 5:00p (CST) and separated them into six categories:
The study of language is a vital part of humanities! Through the language we use, we are more able to understand human conditions, methods of living, thought processes, and other aspects of better understanding humans and human behavior.
In the early 1900's, Ludwig Wittgenstein presented an idea which caused great debate in the twentieth and twenty-first century! He was interested in defining how large a role language played in communities. His perspective was that the meaning behind sentences came from particular ways words were spoken and the context of the sentence. He claimed that many of our philosophical confusions derive from the vocabulary we use.
So, is the power in language there because of the context each word is in? Or can I communicate a thought just through a vocabulary word?
"If a lion could talk, we could not understand him." -Ludwig Wittgenstein
What an awesome Civ class we had today! But first, I must ask your forgiveness. I will do a better job of keeping posts brief, varied, linked, and awesome. So, here's STRIKE TWO!
Did you know that there are animals and plants everywhere on the Earth? That means, even in the hottest deserts or coldest ice-lands. For example, take this handsome looking creature, the camel...
This animal lives in extremely hot and dry weather conditions. How?
1) Camels can go a week without water.
2) The fat stored in the hump can be used to metabolize energy.
3) Camel's body temperature fluctuates from 93°F-107°F, which allows the camel to conserve water by not sweating!
4) The wide feet help keep the Camel from sinking into the sand!
5) Thick lips, not only good for kissing other camels, but also for eating prickly desert plants!
6) The color of their skin helps them blend into their environment.
7) Camels have hair on their ears, both inside and out, to keep the sand out.
The point is, the camel can live in the desert, the penguin can live in Antarctica, and you and I can live in today's world because of ADAPTATION!!! Camels have learned to adapt so they can survive in the desert!
For us as humans, in order to survive this new world of technological advances and scientific progress, we need to adapt as well! We need to, "understand the language"! What goes on in the world is now at our fingertips. We can directly connect to our favorite band, hear the most recent news, debate political or other issues, and much more if we choose to adapt to the times and "learn the language". What language? Speech, Computers, Politicians, Scientists, Explorers, Students! We'll be able to survive, to excel in this world if we choose to adapt.
I mean, check this kid out!
ok nevermind, can't find him.
I'll show you later!
What's even cooler though, is that even if all the time is changing, the Gospel of Jesus Christ does not. And yet, these standards are truth and always keep us safe and happy!
I'm glad this class is teaching me how to learn the language of today!
Happy Labor Day everybody! What an incredible weekend ya? There is something special about staying up late on a calm Sunday night, not having to worry about class the next day! My Monday was GREAT, spent with the people I love most, enjoying the sunny yet chilly weather, and catching up on a lot of homework! The most interesting thing, is that so many aspects and events of this weekend will tie into the blog entry I am about to write!!! HOW CRAZY IS THAT? Hope it was good for you too!
Piece number 1) This morning, while hiking up the trail to Squaw Peak, I bumped into my best friend's dad, Doug, who was my young men's advisor and IS my hero! Best looking guy I've ever met (until our wonderful Honors Civ202 professors)! With sleek silver hair, stories that could hold you forever, and lots more (for more information, google "coolest guy on Earth!!!") this man is one of my greatest examples!
Piece number 2) Friday night, the night of nights! Went to the freshman dance! It was some wild and crazy, peppered with magic. Now, question to all the fans out there. Is it cool for upper-class men to date freshman girls? Is it cool for upper-class women to date freshman guys? why or why not? Anyways, I didn't really go to the dance, just walked by it...drove by it to be precise. It is a piece to the puzzle.
COMPLETE PUZZLE: Doug often was a chaperone at High School and Church dances! What does this have to do with anything? Because, it was always so important to Doug to makes sure everyone had a good time. If someone wasn't dancing or associating with others, Doug would be right at my buddies and my side, encouraging us to somehow involve that person. Because of Doug's encouragement, I danced with the widest spectrum of girls than I can remember! Girls that would sing off-key into my ear. Girls that had stinging body odor. Girls who, just like me, were weird, and going through the same, potentially awkward high school years. But through this training, I came to understand that these girls were beautiful. They were somebody's most precious daughter. Did it cost me much to offer a dance? or to introduce them to some friends? In hind sight, it was the best thing I could have ever done at those dances. There was never any doubt that it was the right thing - the Spirit was always quick to let me know that - but it took guts. The hardest thing to overcome, was my pride. I always thought, "what would my friends think?" Our silly pride can sometimes make us so worried about ourselves, that we are blinded to the facts and the people around us.
So, keep that in mind. Here is a Chinese idiom which I like. I found it on the internet :)
Deep doubts, deep wisdom; small doubts, little wisdom. - Chinese Proverb
I am so grateful for curiosity! Think about how many questions we think of just out of curiosity. Like, why does the sun and moon come out when they do? Or, are stars rotating around our Earth? or are we rotating around the sun? And more importantly, how do we figure it out? With our gift for curiosity, also comes a gift of discovery. In the 2nd century AD, Claudius Ptolemy solved these problems! The geocentric model was accepted for over a millennium! Why? Because of observations and answered questions! Because if the Earth did move, the shapes of constellations should change! Because the planet, Venus, stayed the same brightness most of the time! Because the Earth was so heavy, and nothing was big enough to push it! Because if the Earth spun, all the trees and birds would fly off! Just to name a few reasons. The Earth was thought to be in the middle of the universe. Not bad problem solving if you ask me. However, this explanation did not satisfy everybody. Unpopular theories such as "Pythagorean System" (Earth and other planets traveling around a central fire) and Aristarchus of Samos's theory (Sun was the center of the universe) came to rival the Ptolemaic System. However, it wasn't until 1543 that the Copernican System posed the greatest challenge to the Ptolemaic System. Read the history books and you will find that even after telescope proofs and various sketches, the novel Copernican Heliocentrism System had a difficult time being accepted. At first, heliocentrism was completely rejected, regardless of the mathematical proofs. This novel idea was absurd!!! Furthermore, this idea clashed with numerous biblical passages. It was not until Galileo's telescope and biblical translations that the tide began turning towards this new, yet more correct theory of our universe. Is that incredible? a little scary even.
One of the first things my research mentor, Dr. Dan Simmons, taught me, was the goal in biochemistry - to find out what is going on in living organisms. Rule number one, we don't know what we will find in advance, so we must not be bound too tightly to preconceived notions. Dr. Simmons, the discoverer of COX-2 protein, has first hand experience with this. The discovery of COX-2 is huge! COX-2 is why you have pain and inflammation during fevers. COX-2 is why you take aspirin or ibuprofen!!! When Dr. Simmons made this discovery, the whole world challenged the idea. It is always hard to accept new ideas. However, if the evidence is powerful enough, the world will be able to accept and build off of this idea.
End this blog time. When I taught my grandparents in Taiwan how to use skype, I kept getting the same, frustrated response. "What is wrong with using a phone?" When I think about blogging, I feel a sudden dread and fear. Why don't I like using this new piece of technology. Maybe it makes me uncomfortable to use something so complicated. Maybe I don't really know what to type. Or maybe because I'm not good at it, and I don't like that feeling...because I am prideful, because everything I do is good, or was good, until I run into something new. Maybe? You tell me... :)
Man, that word freaks me out. Why? I dunno. Spilling my life onto the Internet just doesn't sound too appealing to me. But maybe that's because I don't really know what blogging is. Or maybe I don't know how much to write...everything? Also, the word sounds funny to me too. And I'm not really obeying any grammatical rules. Do I have to? HA. maybe. Honestly though, I've always considered starting a blog, but never really had the desire to. What do I have to hide?! You might think that Provo boys are "oh-so-boring", so hold that thought, take a look, and see the life that I severely enjoy.
Here we go...
I am living in Provo, in the same house I've lived in for the past 17 years, the other 5 were spent in Sandy, Utah. Yea, you got it! 24 years old!!! just kidding, I'm 22. Provo is the place to BE, with it's secret star gazing points, space caves, alien landing spots, hidden tennis courts, romantic dining, anything and everything, except maybe huge pyramids to explore...but even without that, I am Mowgli and Provo is my Jungle! Man, I'm beginning to sound gay...but seriously, cut me some slack. This is my first time blogging! :) Can you believe that? pretty cool yea?
Three "Enters" here, to allow you time to let all this coolness sink in...we good? moving on.
The rest of this post (is that what it's called? or the rest of this bop? i dunno) is simple, light info about me. Nothing too heavy, for your sake and mine :) If you're interested, subscribe, and we'll let you know all about awesome things to do in Provo, what I'm thinking, what I'm feeling, even what I'm doing...even...sound fun? Awesome.
I'm a biochemistry major, and a senior at BYU! It has been good to me! I now have some white hairs. Attractive, I know. I work in a Biochem lab, have pretty good grades, Honors Civ Classes, cool. What's more interesting is, I also have dark, smooth skin. Dark from soccer and tennis, and smooth from swimming! Like a fish! <old man voice> Back in the day, they used to call me Jeffish...Making new friends, catching up with old ones, talking about life, love, purpose, watching people, thunderstorms, downpours, sitting in the park, longboarding, making little kids smile, these things I LIVE for! Simple enough. Lemme know if you guys go wake surfing! coolest thing EVER! Musically, I LOVE writing lyrics and singing in the shower, or car, or wherever people can't hear. ha. AND play the violin! I'm actually not that good, well, I have played for 16 years, but still...(awww, shucks, really? no I'm not that good...yea, first violin for 4 years, and in college too...but still. awww, you're too kind. you're pretty good yourself)...oh, and I love fishing! both for fish AND for compliments! Making out after a hot shower, laying in crisp, cold, clean bed sheets are top favorites! But my favorite thing...thanking God and my perfect family, and for my incredible luck!
Like I said, something simple and quick. May be lacking some depth or detail. Don't worry, all that, and more, are on their way!