Thursday, September 16, 2010

Controversial Issues

So what is up with our green green grass? Do you know how much water it takes to water the grass? While we water so much grass that we aren't even supposed to walk on, people in Africa and China have to walk miles for water that is scarce. Is our grass worth lives of millions of people?

We are encouraged to ride bikes to campus! Save the Earth from car exhaust and parking spaces! However, when I ride my bike and try to park it in front of the Benson Building, there is no spots! One day, my co-worker saw the police man clipping locks and loading bikes that were improperly chained. The amount of money to buy another lock and bike for me, a college student, is 6 months worth of plasma donation!!! There must be a better way. We could put more bike racks out there, in all the empty space. Take the grass area! Let the people who need water use the grass water! Simple actions can save so much time and money! Let's make a stand!

Is the global climate change man made? Where is the proof? What sort of data do we have? What are we going to do about it? I drive less now, for sure! I even bought a Prius! 50 miles to the gallon! Let's all walk more, drive less. Carpool more, solo less. Cruise more, speed less. As we make small changes in our lives, we can make a large change together!

Does boredom lead to trouble? Stay busy please! How could we have idle time? Have an adventure, try someplace new to eat, hike a mountain, make new friends, find a sport, find a single sport, learn how to play chess, read a book, start a blog...

Is competition good? I think it is! I think a big driving force in my work is competition. I know that there are many qualified individuals out there, who, like me, want the job, want to score a goal, want to come out on top. This motivates me to work harder, run faster, stay later. Maybe it is a pride issue, but, if you get it...

Do the ends justify the means? If I play tennis with a super weird and ugly stroke, but win all my games, is that good? What if I have to step on other people to become the CEO? What if I have to beat out other companies to win the customer?

Is it good to have an open government, where citizens have a huge say and influence, or is a closed government more secure? In a closed government, the people will have more faith in the government, will not doubt because of the flaws. On the other hand, maybe more eyeballs will help make the government more invincible and fair, better capable of catering to the citizens' needs.

Should the government be able to control internet content? What happens if we post things and read things that are sketchy, like conspiracy theories. What if we believe them?

Should girls ask guys out? I think that girls can make themselves available, you know, drop hints if they are interested. It's kinda fun! Do it more!

So, these are some questions that don't really need to be answered. The important thing is to have an opinion, and be your own person! Live your own life! That way, your life will be more rich and full!!! Constantly exciting, meaningful.

Just like falling in love when you're ten..


  1. Jeffrey, thank you for sharing so many engaging thoughts in this post. I sincerely hope not to offend, but I would like to share a differing viewpoint:
    I suggest that green grass is an overall good thing, despite the water we use in maintaining it. In many ways, green lawns are a public good; providing increased utility for all who view, walk, play and lie down on them. It is also my opinion that your argument is a bit incongruous i.e. using water on lawns in Provo has little to with the availability of clean drinking water in developing nations. I address this point in greater detail my most recent post

  2. Jeffrey!
    I LOVE your post!
    And thanks for your comment! I read it over and over, and I think you have a good point! :)

    Comfort is definitely high on my list of loves!!!

  3. "Every two minutes in the shower uses as much water as a person in Africa uses for everything in their life for a whole day." -Jennifer Aniston

    Hey Jeffrey, you are awesome and I love your comments. What do you think about this quote? ;)
