Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Animals even live in Antarctica!!!

What an awesome Civ class we had today! But first, I must ask your forgiveness. I will do a better job of keeping posts brief, varied, linked, and awesome. So, here's STRIKE TWO!

Did you know that there are animals and plants everywhere on the Earth? That means, even in the hottest deserts or coldest ice-lands. For example, take this handsome looking creature, the camel...

This animal lives in extremely hot and dry weather conditions. How?
1) Camels can go a week without water.
2) The fat stored in the hump can be used to metabolize energy. 
3) Camel's body temperature fluctuates from 93°F-107°F, which allows the camel to conserve water by not sweating!
4) The wide feet help keep the Camel from sinking into the sand!
5) Thick lips, not only good for kissing other camels, but also for eating prickly desert plants!
6) The color of their skin helps them blend into their environment.
7) Camels have hair on their ears, both inside and out, to keep the sand out.
#8-#1093 can be found at CAMELS!!!

The point is, the camel can live in the desert, the penguin can live in Antarctica, and you and I can live in today's world because of ADAPTATION!!! Camels have learned to adapt so they can survive in the desert!

For us as humans, in order to survive this new world of technological advances and scientific progress, we need to adapt as well! We need to, "understand the language"! What goes on in the world is now at our fingertips. We can directly connect to our favorite band, hear the most recent news, debate political or other issues, and much more if we choose to adapt to the times and "learn the language". What language? Speech, Computers, Politicians, Scientists, Explorers, Students! We'll be able to survive, to excel in this world if we choose to adapt.

I mean, check this kid out! 
ok nevermind, can't find him.

I'll show you later!

What's even cooler though, is that even if all the time is changing, the Gospel of Jesus Christ does not. And yet, these standards are truth and always keep us safe and happy! 

I'm glad this class is teaching me how to learn the language of today!


  1. What an interesting parallel! If we can adapt to changing technologies, we will learn to survive the shifting world. Plus I like the camel : )

  2. Interesting! So if we think about how Darwinism will apply here, does this mean our species will eventually only be populated with the technologically competent?

  3. As much as I dislike changing, it is interesting how much I have changed without even noticing I have. While I still hold a small fear that robots will one day take over the world, I do agree that we all need to grow and adapt to the changing technologies that exist in today's world.

  4. Thank you for your wonderful comments! And Clint, awesome insight to bring up Darwinism! Love your picture!

    In response to your question, I think it depends on how you define survive. Survive as in "have life"? I bet there are going to be people who live perfectly happily lives without technology. However, if we define survival as able to support oneself and his or her family, I say that being adapted to and technologically literate is necessary for survival. Even people working at fast food restaurants need to use computers. As the world advances, we need to keep up in order to keep a competitive edge and survive. Kind of like, in a day, a machine can weave way more silk than a human can...technology.

    Thanks for your brilliant comments!
